
      The proceedings for ICALEPCS 2021 can be accessed from JACoW at https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/icalepcs2021/
     • The recorded videos are included at the respective sessions and the workshop videos can be found in the Workshop Summaries.
     • You can also search for 'ICALEPCS 2021' on
bilibili or YouTube.


 Access ICALEPCS 2021 on Whova 

 Download ICALEPCS 2021 Abstract Booklet 

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that 18th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems is scheduled from the 14th to the 22nd of October 2021 in virtual format.

This series of conferences facilitates fruitful collaborations among the world´s control system specialists from major scientific installations, such as particle accelerators, light sources, laser facilities, telescopes, tokamaks, etc. The series of ICALEPCS conferences started in 1987 in Villars-sur-Ollon (Switzerland), hosted by CERN. The conferences subsequently rotated between three major areas of the world: America (including North, Central and South America), Asia (including Oceania) and EMEA (Europe including Russia, the Middle East and Africa). Over the years the conferences have seen a growing number of participants, institutions, and countries.

ICALECPS 2021 is hosted by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, which is the photon science center of China, operating two large scale facilities: SSRF and SXFEL (commissioning). SSRF is the first 3rd generation synchrotron light source in China, which gives priority to original fundamental research, applied research with important application prospects and high-tech development to improve technical innovation. SXFEL is the first X-Ray free-electron laser user facility in China. It is based on a 1.5 GeV normal conducting high gradient C-band linac and contains two FEL beamline, a seeded FEL beamline and a SASE beamline, and five experimental stations.

We look forward to welcoming you at ICALEPCS 2021.

Conference Chair: Yongbin Leng

Program Chair: Yingbing Yan

IEC and ISAC Chair: Kazuro Furukawa (KEK)


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