Registered delegates enter the Workshop Zoom room through Whova.
Workshops will take place virtually on October 14th and 15th. The confirmed list is as follows:
- Linux Distribution and Ecosystem Evolution in Control Systems Workshop (14th)
- Tango Workshop (14th)
- Data Science and Machine Learning Workshop (15th)
- PLC Based Control Systems Workshop (15th)
- Motion Control Workshop (MOCRAF) (15th)
The agenda will be updated when confirmed.
The fees are included in the registration fee of the ICALEPCS 2021 Conference.
Linux Distribution and Ecosystem Evolution in Control Systems Workshop
Organizers: Thomas Oulevey and Federico Vaga (CERN)
The Linux distribution landscape keeps evolving and new technologies emerging. It's a good time to discuss new concepts for operating system deployment and distribution of in-house software.
From Workstation and Servers to Embedded Systems, this workshop aims at gathering participants to present their use-cases and have an open discussion on operating system life cycle and associated challenges.
One key point is also to review the status of emerging architectures such as aarch64, ppc64le, RISCV and see how it may impact future choices.
Indico page:
Organizer: Vincent Hardion (MAXIV)
This workshop is a continuation in the series of ICALEPCS workshops on Tango. Tango is a toolkit for building modern distributed control systems in C++, Python, and/or Java. It is destined for people who are new to Tango but also for those who want to get an update on the latest tools in Tango. The workshop provides hands-on exercises and examples which attendees can try during or after the workshop. Attendees will acquire a good understanding of the concepts of Tango and its tools for building an object oriented distributed control system.
The following topics will be presented:
- the concepts of Tango, how to install it and write a simple device server in Python/Java or C++.
- the Tango virtual machine and the tools in the eco-system of Tango.
- running a Tango system entirely with Docker containers.
- PyTango and Fandango, the Swiss knife for Tango in Python.
- Tango HDB++ as a high performance control system archiver.
- how to write web applications for Tango using Waltz or ReactJS.
Indico page:
Data Science and Machine Learning Workshop
Organizers: Marco Lonza (Elettra) and Manuel Gonzalez Berges (CERN)
The fields of large scale data analytics and machine learning have made impressive progress in recent years. Many applications have been successful in applying techniques in these fields for problems in areas such as health, language processing, search engines, etc Many tools have been developed to facilitate the application of these techniques (e.g. libraries like Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Apache Spark, etc)
A growing number of examples of applications in accelerators and experimental physics installations have started to appear in the last years. The workshop will aim to share the experience gained in the development of some of these applications, whether successful or not. This should contribute to the continuous growth of the use of these methods in our systems.
Given the conference limitations due to Covid, the workshop will last only half day, from 12:00 to 16:00 (UTC) 15th October.
Correlated topics: data analytics, statistical analysis, data mining, deep learning, neural networks, expert systems, automatic optimization, robotics, etc.
In the Indico page:
you can find additional information and the instructions to submit and abstract if you want to present a contribution.
Contact: and
PLC Based Control Systems Workshop
Organizers: Enrique Blanco, Borja Fernandez, Brad Schofield, Jeronimo Ortola (CERN)
This workshop intends to create a collaborative space where attendees will show their best practices, tools employed and return of experience when engineering PLC based control systems.Topics that will be addressed:
- Specifications, requirements trace, documents: analysis, design, implementation.
- Software development: standards and/or frameworks, novel paradigms (e.g. automatic code generation, object orientation), language choice and coding conventions, best practices.
- Testing and verification: methodologies and tests (FAT, SAT), simulation, static analysis, verification (e.g. formal methods).
- Application management: versioning, deployment, online changes, upgrades, reverse engineering.
- Technology evolution: embedded communications (e.g. OPC-UA, MQTT…), edge computing, new domains of application.
We expect your active participation and we are looking forward to know what you are interested to include in the workshop in this second edition.
Indico page:
Motion Control Workshop (MOCRAF)
Organizers: Yves-Marie ABIVEN (SOLEIL) and Brian Nutter (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
Like the previous editions, The ICALEPCS MOCRAF workshop group will be a multidisciplinary workshop devoted to the latest developments on motion control, with, this year, a special focus on Mechatronics. Its purpose is to get feedback from attendees to make the workshop as interesting and pleasurable as possible. This group will remain alive after the workshop to be the input for the future ICALEPCS MOCRAF meetings.
Different topics can be discussed, such as:
1. Experiences in Motion Control
Technical solutions in software and in low level hardware: Kinematic transforms, Complex trajectories, Protection including collision avoidance, Multi-axes and Multi-controller synchronization, Embedded and/or hosted motion features, Closed-loop control systems with different feedback sources, Vibration Control.
2. Experiences in Robotics
Industrial Robot arms, Collaborative robot, Implementations, experience under X-Rays, integration into control systems (Tango, EPICS, ….), maintenance.
3. Experiences in Metrology
Stage evaluations, estimations, simulations, characterization methods.
4. Experiences in Modeling
Tools for modeling and improving motion control and mechanical systems. (Matlab, Simulink, Modelica….)
5. Application experiences
Challenges: submicron positioning complex sample stages environment, continuous and synchronous motion control and data detector's acquisition.
As motion control is only one contribution of a mechatronic systems we would like to take the opportunity of this workshop to invite mechanical and metrolog colleagues to share experience.
If you have topics you want to share or you want to hear please let us know!
Indico page: