>> Access ICALEPCS 2021 on Whova
The live stream is not fully compatible with some browsers. We recommend using the Web App on Google Chrome for a better streaming experience. You also need to open the stream in the Zoom app. Make sure you have your Zoom app up-to-date.
1. Make sure you have completed the conference registration and payment first.
a. Only registered delegates | students | exhibitors are added to Whova by the ICALEPCS organizer. If you have not completed the conference registration (JACoW SPMS) , please visit the registration page.
b. The PayPal payments need 1-2 working days to confirm, while the bank transfer payments need 3-5 working days. If the account name is misspelled or abbreviated, it will take longer to correct.
c. If you have any questions, please contact our Conference Secretary Mr. Yu (yupengxiang@zjlab.org.cn) or Student | Industrial Exhibition Manager Dr. Lv (lvhuihui@zjlab.org.cn).
2. Use the same email address as the JACoW SPMS to register or sign in to Whova.
a. The ICALEPCS 2021 event will show up automatically for the added delegates. No invitation codes are provided.
b. If you have participated the conferences on Whova platform, such as IBIC 2020 or IPAC 2021, you do not need to register, just sign in Whova.
c. If you're using Whova for the first time, you should register via the following link. You can also download the mobile app and register on it.
- Please visit : https://whova.com/portal/icale_202110/
- For iSO Phone, download the Whova app on Apple Store.
- For Android Phone, get the Whova app on Google play. If you cannot access Google Play or cannot find Whova app on Google Play, please download the Android app here.
d. If you have two email addresses in JACoW SPMS, we add your affiliation's email to Whova. If you need modification, please contact Mr. Wang (wangheyun@zjlab.org.cn).
3. Edit your profile.
a. You can polish your profile by uploading a picture of yourself, writing a short bio and updating other info. Other attendees will use this to connect with you. So make it look nice.
4. Familiar with the Whova platform.
a. Using Whova, you can view the agenda and plan your schedule, access live streams, join discussion on the community board, etc.
b. Some speakers or poster presenters are left blank before the conference, until they complete the registration.
c. All live stream links are invalid before the conference, which will be posted six hours before the sessions.
5. Use Whova mobile app or Web app to attend ICALEPCS 2021.
Time Zone
a. Make sure you switch the Whova’s agenda to your local time.
b. The conference from 18th to 22nd will start at 12:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 20:00 CST (China Standard Time, UTC/GMT+08:00).
Oral Sessions
Click 'Agenda > Sessions' on the Whova main menu on the left of the screen.
a. All orals will be live using Zoom software. There will be no pre-recorded videos. The presentation will be visible to the attendees during the live session.
b. There are two Zoom rooms for all oral sessions per day, identified by the fourth character (L or R) of program code. One Zoom room will be used for MOKL, MOAL and MOBL. If you plan to attend all of these sessions, you don't need to switch the live stream. The another Zoom room is used for MOAR and MOBR. TU(esday), WE(dnesday), TH(ursday) and FR(riday) are similar.
c. You can choose to join the live session using the native Zoom App or the Zoom embedded in Whova.
d. Each contributed oral presentation duration will be limited to a maximum of 12 minutes. After that, there will be 3 minutes devoted to answer questions from the audience. You can post the questions on the Whova Q&A board or 'raise your hand' in Zoom app. During the live session, the speakers will only answer a few questions chosen by the Chairs. You can also communicate with the speakers via the Whova Messages later.
e. Please do not use the Chat board of the Whova or Zoom for asking the speakers.
Poster Sessions
Click 'Agenda > Posters' on the Whova main menu on the left of the screen.
a. The poster sessions are arranged at 14:30 to 15:30 (UTC) from Monday (18th October) to Thursday (21st October).
b. Each poster contribution contains an abstract, a poster file and a live stream for live presentation. There will be no pre-recorded videos. The poster file will be uploaded three days before the conference. The live streaming links will be posted six hours before the sessions.
c. Each poster will be assigned to a Zoom room to receive attendees. You can click 'watch the live stream' (visible when live stream link is valid) and open it in the Zoom app. Make sure you have your Zoom app up-to-date.
d. You can download the poster file in advance, ask questions via the Whova Chat / Messages, or communicate with the presenter through Zoom live stream during the poster sessions.
a. You can visit the Exhibitor virtual booth during the conference, view product photos or videos, and communicate with the staff via text or live stream.
b. We will provide the Zoom breakout rooms for different Exhibitors. The live streaming links will be posted on 18th October.
Speed Network
Click 'Agenda > Speed Network' on the Whova main menu on the left of the screen.
a. The Speed Network will help attendees connect face-to-face virtually, It assigns the attendees randomly to a table of 4, and after 10 minutes, the attendees will then be shuffled to another table. After the event, attendees will be able to view who they were at the table with and further network by chatting or visiting their profile. The Speed Network is a built-in function of Whova, does not use the Zoom app.
b. The Speed Network are arranged at 14:45 to 15:45 (UTC) from Monday (18th October) to Thursday (21st October). The time of Speed Network and Poster Session overlap partially. You are free to choose one or switch between them. It is similar to the previous face-to-face conferences, you can 'sit at a table and communicate with other delegates' (Speed Network) or 'browse the posters and communicate with the presenters' (Poster session).
c. When you want to enter the Speed Network, you can click 'Grab a seat' (visible only when it starts).
After the camera and microphone tested, you will be assigned to a table with other attendees. If you leave a table before it shuffles, you will have to wait until the next shuffle time to join another table.
d. The poster presenters are not allowed to attend the Speed Network of that day. For example, the presenters of Posters MOPV001-050 are restricted from attending Monday's Speed Network.
For more general guidance of Whova, please visit:
If you have any questions, you can also use the 'Ask the Organizers Anything' board in the Whova Community menu or send emails to Mr. Wang (wangheyun@zjlab.org.cn).